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  1. Life Below Your Mean
    Does everything have to be expensive? Is a lavish life always right? Should we impress others with expensive things? It might seem bad to skimp everything. Not having branded bags or expensive clothes is not so bad. In the end, nobody cares what shoes you’re wearing. People would appreciate your kindness and your achievement.
  2. The Old School Life
    Simple life, simple house, simple lifestyle. What’s so bad about that? You don’t have to follow any style or trend that will make you broke. Looking good but having many debts to pay, what’s the point of being alive? Seeking inner peace is so much more outside validation. Living in the old school way, having no debt is the best way we could live. we might be out of fashion. But following fashion could make us broke.
  3. Never care what other people think.
    Focus only on yourself. Focus on bettering yourself. People are going to throw bad things at you. But that’s not the reason to stop doing whatever you want to do. You shouldn’t get married at thirty, you can just travel so much or focus on your career. You can leave a horrible boss even if it means you must start over from Zero. Leaving party life to be more peaceful is okay. Your life is your responsibility. It doesn’t have to make sense for anyone else.
  4. Failure is a good sign.
    Failure is bad? Not really. Failure is a sign that we tried. From failure, we can learn something. We might gain experiences from the last failure. Next time, we can do better. Failure is a sign to keep moving forward. Failure is a challenge we must fix. Nobody can win the marathon without training and losing many – many times.
  5. Your feeling is not always right.
    People are going to hurt us in every step of our life. And sometimes, it’s not personal. It’s just because people hurt them too in life. It’s a dead-end cycle. So, not easily getting offended will help us a lot to get through life. Not always thinking about what other people say about us will make our life easier. We can’t control what other people think, but we can control our feelings.
  6. Don’t be extraordinary, be you.
    Everyone is busy to be extraordinary. Not all humans can be extraordinary. Sometimes, you can simply be yourself. Be you, be happy you. Trying to be popular, and extraordinary will make you anxious. Be you, not trying to be like someone else. True people will like you.
  7. Beauty isn’t everything.
    You want ugly people in your life. You only choose a pretty girl and friend. But is worth the look from the outside? if they’re troublesome. what we can see from the eyes can be deceived. See something or someone deep into their soul. Do they make you happy or just drain your energy? Can they motivate you or just make you down? Beauty will fade over time, but a remarkable soul will make you happier over time.
  8. Perfection doesn’t exist.
    The perfect life that everybody dreams about. Perfect husband or wife, perfect house, perfect job. Why everything has to be so perfect? why aren’t we good with imperfection? The job you dream about might make you stressed the most. The parent you love the most is the parent who gets angry every time you come home late. The wife you adore the most is the wife who scolds you if you don’t wash the dishes. The kids you love the most are the kids who break your stuff. The pet you adore so much, they’re stinks if you don’t bathe it. Get used to imperfection. Because it’s part of life.
  9. What’s bad not always bad. what’s good is not always good.
    Poison can be sweet, and medicine is bitter. Training or exercise is painful, but doing nothing is comfortable. What makes you hurt can make you stronger. Partying might be fun, but sometimes it can lead you to emptiness. Side hustle alone might be lonely but it could lead you to something good. Not everything bad is really bad. Not everything looks good really good.
  10. Nobody can save you, except yourself.
    The painful truth about life is that nobody will help you except yourself. if you don’t go to an audition, you will never be an actor. if you don’t go to the doctor, your pain will never be cured. if you don’t ask your friends, you will never get any help. Everything is about you and nobody is going to save you except yourself.

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