The world is a cruel place when you can’t really be yourself. Bad people will affect your life specifically your productivity. Life is hard but with bad people around, life is worst. Choosing good people will improve our life. The harsh truth about life, it’s not easy to find someone who is good for your mental health. These signs will help you to know people who are good for your mental health

  1. They listen to you without judgment
    Human is problematic. It’s impossible to get away from problems. The best people in your life will listen to you without judgment. No matter how chaotic you might be, they will try to find the best solution without judgment. Consistently being judged can incite depression. It’s crucial to choose people who can be a good listener.
  2. You don’t have to pretend or hide something
    You can be really yourself in front of them. You don’t have to pretend to be accepted. Someone who’s good for your mental health will accept you completely. Even if you’re not perfect. People who are okay with your flaw and imperfection. People who will never talk about your flaw behind your back. They see the best side in you
  3. They don’t have a certain motive or interest in you
    People around should be a source of happiness. They don’t have a certain motive or interest. They don’t want your money or anything from you. They want nothing except to see you happy. In fact, it’s not easy to find someone who has pure attention. But good people will meet good people.
  4. They respect your personal boundaries
    You choose to be childless or you don’t want to get married. People who are good for you will never offend whatever your choice. They know everyone has their own reason. They tend to understand and respect whatever happens in your life.
  5. They communicate sincerely with you
    Friends who always care about you. They want to know if you’re okay. They care because you matter. They will help you without wanting something from you. It’s not always family, it can be everyone around you. It can be your neighbor, friend, or acquaintance. Respect someone who tries to make the best effort to stay in your life.
  6. They encourage you to grow
    They’re happy when they see you happy. They never want to make you down. They encourage you to be a better person. They want to see you succeed. They don’t feel threatened by your success. People who think that you’re not a competitor. Friends who can support each other.
  7. Your opinions are heard and appreciated
    People who are good for your mental health will appreciate your opinion or whatever you do for them. Someone’s said if you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong. It sounds about right. If they don’t appreciate what you’re doing, it signs you to leave your circle. Everyone matters, no matter how small their role. Even janitors, and waitresses, they are all important. If they treat you like you don’t matter, then it’s time to stand up and leave.
  8. They support your dreams.
    Big dreams require big people to support you. It’s not always financial more like mental support. They don’t think your dream is stupid. They give you reasonable advice to make your dream come true. Surround yourself with people or friends with the same goal or purpose. So, it will spark your spirit.
  9. They motivate you to keep going
    Life is chaotic, it’s always be. Everyone has their own problem. People who are good for your mental health will always convince you to keep going. They will encourage you to try again when you’re failed. They will encourage you not to give up easily. People that don’t have the same vision as you will never understand what you’re doing.
  10. You feel comfortable and safe around them
    Good people will make you comfortable to be around them. They don’t do bullying and respect any kind of differences. Knowing that everyone can have their own perspective, they don’t force to be the same.

Ultimately, people that are good for your mental health will affect your life. Choose people that are good for your mental and your future.

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